Teamgate offers several different ways how to quickly add a new deal!
Add new deal from the sales pipeline:
1.1. Navigate to Deals section
1.2. Click the "New" button
1.3. Fill all the information you need:
1.4. Click Save.
You'll be redirected to the Deals pipeline and your new created Deal will be marked green for a second.
2. Use the Quick Action Button!ย
2.1. Navigate to any Teamgate tab (Company, Files, Organizer, etc.)
2.2. Click on the arrow next the "New" button
2.3. Select the "Deal" option
2.4. Fill all the information you need
2.5 Save.
You'll be redirected to the Deals pipeline and your new created Deal will be marked green for a second.
3. Add new deal from People or Company card.
3.1. Open contact card (People or Company profile)
3.2. Click " + " icon in Deals tab.
3.3. Fill all the information you need:
3.4. Save.
4. Create the deal when you convert lead to a contact.
4.1. This option will help you to create an opportunity when your Lead is converted to Company/People. Assign a subject to your opportunity and select a pipeline/stage. You can also set the value of the opportunity. For more information click here.