Teamgate and QuickBooks integration allows users to see all invoices issued in the past in Teamgate, create estimates, transfer customer details to and from QuickBooks account with a few clicks. As well as, QuickBooks' customers' database can be easily imported to Teamgate CRM.
For the instructions how to connect QuickBooks to Teamgate please this article.
When QuickBooks Online is connected to Teamgate you will see QuickBooks integration block in People and Company sections inside your customer cards:
In order for QuickBooks integration block to start displaying information link the customer from QuickBooks to Teamgate.
1. How to link customer from QuickBooks to Teamgate?
1.1. If a customer exists in QuickBooks click + icon and start searching for a customer in QuickBooks database. Type in customer name in the dedicated search bar and select customer from the drop-down menu.
1.2. If a customer does not exist in QuickBooks click + and click Create customer in QuickBooks
2. What are the statuses of invoice?
When the customer is linked-invoices will be displayed according to their statuses in QuickBooks:
Open - Saved and Closed, but not yet sent (emailed) to the customer.
Overdue - An invoice becomes overdue when it has reached the due date.
Paid - status means that the invoice is already paid or there are payments linked to it.
3. Other actions:
Click three dot icon and select other possible actions:
Unlink from QuickBooks - the customer will no longer be linked with Teamgate. This action might be helpful if the customer were linked by mistake and you wish to link another customer.
Create Invoice - the pop-up window will show up where you should enter all the necessary details and click Save when finished.
The invoice may be created at the moment when the deal is won. Mark Create invoice to Yes and click Save
Fill all the details and click Save:
Recently created invoice with the status Open will appear in the customer card in Teamgate. As well as, by clicking on invoice number the system will navigate to QuickBooks and invoice draft will be opened.
Copy Customer details to QuickBooks
-company title or name and surname;
-phone number;
Please note: if you are updating company details associated People details won't update automatically.
Copy customer details from QuickBooks
-company title or name and surname;
-phone number;
Please note: if you are updating company details associated People details won't update automatically.
Open in QuickBooks the system will navigate to QuickBooks customer profile.