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Release notes 2017-05-24
Release notes 2017-05-24
Andrew Martin avatar
Written by Andrew Martin
Updated over a week ago

Mobile app

  • Users who sign up using LinkedIn or Google+ are now allowed to log in to the mobile app.

  • Renewed design including change of the colors.

  • In the graph "Sales Plan vs. Sales Results in last 12 months" added, "Pipeline Forecast" for two upcoming months.

  • Minor bug fixes.


  • Custom fields: now it is available to see the field ID of the custom field.

  • Fixed issue: the system didn't allow to edit and add more values to "multi-select" and "standard select" fields.

  • Fixed issue: Agenda showed wrong dates of the events.

  • Fixed issue: Users didn't see their tasks, events, and to-do's in the calendar when the "users access and data visibility" settings under Events visibility was set to: "Can see only own events".

  • List view: you can search the tasks according to the task's description.

  • Deals list in the company card is now ordered according to the deal's closing date.

  • When you are changing the owner of the lead it is now available to assign previously created active tasks for the new owner.

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