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Change the owner of contacts and active tasks
Change the owner of contacts and active tasks
Andrew Martin avatar
Written by Andrew Martin
Updated over 2 years ago

Teamgate CRM allows to change the owner of Leads, People and Companies in bulk and assign active deals, scheduled meetings, tasks and calls to another user. The records can be reassigned to another user temporary - for the period when the employee is out of the office or for the all-time. The tasks and records may also be re-assigned if the user is not active.

1. To reassign tasks and contacts to another user (not yourself) follow this tutorial:

1.2. Click on your avatar located in the top-right corner and select Settings > User management > click on the name of the user > click Reassign to another user


1.2. Select New owner from the drop-down menu to whom you want to replace the ownership.


1.3. Select the activities and records and the period of time for how long the scheduled activities should be assigned to another user.


Important: if you change the owner of Leads, Companies, and People - the ownership will change of all contacts. It won't be available to assign the same records backward. This action is irreversible.

1.4. Click Save.

2. To change the ownership of active tasks and records that belongs to yourself, follow this tutorial:

2.1. Click on your avatar located in the top-right corner and select My Profile > click Reassign to another user


2.2. Select New owner from the drop-down menu to whom you want to replace the ownership.


2.3. Select the activities and records and the period of time for how long the scheduled activities should be assigned to another user.


Important: if you change the owner of Leads, Companies, and People - the ownership will change of all contacts. It won't be available to assign the same records backward. This action is irreversible.

2.4. Click Save.

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