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Leads - Unqualified Reasons report
Leads - Unqualified Reasons report
Andrew Martin avatar
Written by Andrew Martin
Updated over a week ago

Leads Unqualified Reasons report allows you to see the list of the most common reasons for lead's disqualification. Tracking unqualified reasons helps identify trends that can be used to optimize lead qualification process. Learn more about effective lead qualification process by using Lead Scoring.

By analyzing disqualification reasons report you will clearly see the number of leads that have been unqualified and how many leads fall under each reason.

For the instruction how to create and mark unqualified reasons see this article.

Note: Leads - Unqualified Reasons report is available for Enterprise Plan users only.

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To see Unqualified Reasons report navigate to Insights module > Leads > Unqualified Reasons

1.1. What information is displayed in the report?






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Time frame selection

Lets you choose the desired time frame.

Available time frames:

  • Last 7 days*

  • Last 30 days*

  • Last 90 days*

  • Last 12 month*

  • Custom.**

* - the end of the period is "yesterday", today is not taken in to count;

** - the end of the custom period is "now" (accuracy in seconds), it is not available to choose the future time.


Number of unqualified leads

Number of unqualified leads in the selected time frame.


List of unqualified reasons

The list of unqualified reasons that were assigned to unqualified leads within the selected time frame.


Filter by tag

Report breakdown by tags.


Filter by user

Report breakdown by user.

Note: Certain users might not be available for selection due to visibility restrictions set in Roles and Permissions. For more information please visit: Roles & Permissions support page


Unqualified leads list

The list of leads that were unqualfied within the selected time frame.



The person responsible for the lead.


Status date

The date when lead was marked as unqualified.



The list of unqualified reasons that were assigned to unqualified leads within the selected time frame.

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